Monthly meetings

We are now in our summer break for monthly BOD meetings. Meetings will resume the 2nd Wednesday of September. If something urgent comes up, we will have a meeting as necessary. If you have something you think the board should address before then, email Barrett – – otherwise, we’ll see you in September. Keep…

Spring matches

Registration for the monthly steel matches, club matches, rimfire precision matches (RPM), etc. are all posted on Practiscore. You can find all the TMSA matches here: TMSA Practiscore. If you are interested in acting as a match director, get in touch. We need people involved. July 1 update, we have July steel posted, and an…

Steel match helpers

We are looking for one or two helpers for the monthly steel matches. Someone to help setup the match and/or organize the tablets on Friday evening before the match, make sure they’re charged, etc. Steel matches run the first Saturday of every month (weather permitting). If you are interested in helping out; contact Jerome @…

TMSA Hosting BCWF Women’s Only Introduction to Archery

B.C. Wildlife Federation presents their Women’s only Introduction to Archery class! If you have been intrigued by the concept of using a bow and arrow – this is the class for you! In this course, led by certified instructors, you will learn your dominant eye & why that is important, range safety, and 11 steps to archery success. Giving…

TMSA Hosting BCWF Women’s Only Introduction to Shooting

B.C. Wildlife Federation presents a Women’s Only, Introduction to Shooting! Ever wanted to learn more about shooting in an environment tailored for you? Learn how to safely handle a firearm, aim and shoot with other like-minded participants. Join our qualified instructor in the B.C. Wildlife Federations’s Introduction to Shooting course. Note that hearing protection is provided however,…